Click to DonateBlind Justice is a 21-minute short-drama, narrative film, by Awungjia Foretia, that's fiscally sponsored by From the Heart Productions, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, that follows a teenage girl, Patty Wilson, afflicted with glaucoma, as she navigates her way out of the drug trade to pursue her dream of becoming a writer. Patty’s father, Brian, an obese drunk, hooked on painkillers, blames Patty for her mother’s death and the loss of his American dream to become a professional basketball player, since she was an infant. To make ends meet, Brian turns to selling and distributing drugs while using Patty as his front and center right-hand partner to manage the dealers and transactions in the streets.
As the years go by, Patty becomes known as one of the most-feared drug dealers in the neighborhood. Her intuitiveness, intelligence, beauty, strength, femininity, and competence to make incredible things happen within drug trade despite insurmountable odds has made her versatility unmatched.
Patty soon realizes that the faster she grows, the more of a threat she becomes, and the higher her chances of meeting a sudden death just like her mother. So, she decides to put a secret strategy in place to attend college. Unbeknownst to her, her secretive actions begin garnering the attention of her loved ones, other dealers, and most importantly her father who’s willing to work overtime to prevent the loss of the last physical, human remembrance he has of his beloved, late wife.
But the question is, how far is Brian willing to go and what is Patty willing to sacrifice to achieve her American dream?
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